Android users can update can update to Adobe Flash Player 10.3.185. Android users, To verify the version of Adobe Flash Player for Android, go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Adobe Flash Player 10.x.
Google Chrome browser users has Adobe Flash Player built-in and users should update the Google Chrome browser to the latest version. You should install and update both versions, by visiting in Internet Explorer and then with your other web browsers. Rendering changes improve the way that Flash video is presented in the Android browser and there is improved soft keyboard support. You can read the Adobe Security bulletin at To determine what version of the Flash player you have on your system, visit and to install the latest Flash player go to Windows users should note that the Flash Player in their Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and the one in web browsers like Opera, Mozilla Firefox and Safari are separate installs. Adobe says version 10.2 of Flash Player will boost performance, especially for dual-core processor powered devices. Adobe has officially announced that the new version of Flash Player for Android, 10.2, is now available.
Adobe has updated its Adobe Flash Player to version to address a vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player v10.2.159.1 and earlier versions (Adobe Flash Player v10.2.154.28 and earlier for Chrome users) for Windows, Macintosh, Linux, and Solaris and Adobe Flash Player and earlier versions for Android.